Tuesday, October 13, 2020


The ‘Water Talk ‘ Series 

As for the information Dept. of Water resources, River development & Ganga rejuvenation, National water mission(NWM), Ministry of Jal Shakthi , Govt.of India is Organizing a lecture series "WATER TALK" for making India a water secure country.

As you aware, National water mission (NWM) organizes water talk on third Friday of every month since march-22-2019 in Webinar format. the 18th WATER TALK is scheduled to be held on 16.10.2020  from 3.00-5.00 pm on virtual platform.

How to participate in e- Water Talk?  

The talk is live-streamed on the Facebook pages of National Water Mission, Department of Water Resources, Ministry Jal Shakti and various other organizations under the Ministry. Interested participants may join the water talk on

 NWM’s Facebook page-https://www.facebook.com/nwmgoi/ or

 DoWR’sFacebook page-https://www.facebook.com/mowrrdgr/ . On 16-10-2020 from 3.00pm-5.00pm.

for more information on the subject, you may visit website: www.nwm.gov.in.


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